Lively planet & lonely traveler

I just booked a ticket to Korea this coming February and I am so excited!

And yes, that excitement will probably last for about few hours, or few days before I have to get back to the reality (i.e. reading journal papers for my supervisor)

To be exact, I booked that ticket this morning. On the bus going to the office, I paused for a sec, thinking that does traveling reinforce my identity? or am I hiding away the fact that all travelers are people who experience the loneliness to the most?

I just question myself that am I traveling because I really want to? Of course, definitely I’ll say YES, but I have a feeling that to a certain extent, travelers keep on traveling to reinforce their identity, to keep doing what they have done greatly, to prove to their peers that they are a hard-core traveler.

I am proud and thankful to say that I have friends (with different levels of closeness) all around the world. Some people we don’t keep in touch very often but when I travel, they are such a great resource that I would need for advice, etc. And, what happens after I finish the trip. Will the friendship remain? Of course it will, but another part of me saying I am such a selfish and opportunistic person because I only contact so-called ‘friends’ when I need them. In this modern era, it’s just so easy to make friend with people around the world, and at the same time, it is so difficult to remain that closeness. But as far as I can do, if people visit my hometown Da Nang in Vietnam, or in Sydney where I’m studying, I am more than happy to spend time with them 🙂

To accept a personality as a traveler, that would also mean I accept a lifestyle of a lonely person. I have friends to hang out with when I’m in Da Nang, Melbourne or Australia; but when it comes to travel, I only find it easy to just go by myself. I understand everyone has different needs and interests when traveling and I don’t want me or them to compromise any of that interests.

  • Traveling alone is great as I can do anything I want to do, and plan trip in such a way that fit me the most.
  • Traveling alone is fabulous because you have a chance to visit some friends that you thought you never meet them again.
  • Traveling is wonderful because you make friends with interesting personalities.

But the fact that traveling is lonely because you will never settle down and some people just cannot stand those mobile travelers. No one gonna like, love, and spend their life with a traveler because there is no stability in such a lifestyle.

  • Traveling is lonely because you almost can only tell your traveling stories with other travelers, and outsiders look at you as if you’re a weird person and never live your life seriously (Hello! I’m living my life seriously in my own way!)
  • Traveling is lonely because you cannot compare your life with other people who have money or save money for their houses and cars.
  • Traveling is lonely because this is what you want to do, for you and only you, not for your family, your country or whatsoever.
  • Traveling is lonely because it really is

Personality will definitely influence how much you want to travel. But since traveling becomes part of your personality, it helps to shape your personality in vice-versa.  I was reading an article that distinguish different recreationists based on their behaviors, skills and knowledge, and commitment and I am so into that article because I see myself since the generalist to become an expert travelers. But most people would not progress in that continuum because of different factors (time, resources, other commitments in life, etc.) No matter what, I think being a traveler and explore the world is such a great opportunity that one could ask in this life

Cheers 🙂

Ps: And I can’t wait to visit Seoul in February next year. I really mean it!!!

(photos from the internet)

13 thoughts on “Lively planet & lonely traveler

    1. Hi Tien, Thanks for the post. Those pictures aren’t mine because obviously I haven’t been to Korea yet. But other posts written from my experiences have my own pictures 🙂


    1. Hi Nhu,

      It’s great if your friend’s available and show me around Seoul. I also want to hear about her MBA experiences in Seoul too

      I will be in Seoul from 15/02 to 24/02 🙂

      Thank you!


  1. Nicely shared, JJ! I can’t agree more to most of the things you pointed out on this writing. And yeah..sometimes I ask myself, too. “Why do I travel?” I think traveling is an endless pursuit. 🙂


    1. I think it’s when you have to face the reality or go back to reality, and that makes you feel down. The only way to charge you up is to take your bag and travel again, I guess? 😛


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